February 2022
One of the most rewarding presentations the Niagara Amputee Association has ever made was to a graduating class of PSW's, (Personal Support Workers). Three of the Association's executive gave a talk about the Association and its aims and goals, answering any questions the students might have. We had also taken some prosthetic limbs for them to look at and made them aware of a few tips that we ourselves had picked up on our own journey that had made life a little easier for us.They were extremely interested and grateful for the presentation.Thanks again to Delta Bingo, Delta Bingo Sponsors Association and the OLG for helping us continue these presentations.
January 2022
Like many other organizations that support their members with visits, the NAA has had to stop the visits to new amputees in hospital or in their homes. Covid has cut off most opportunities to provide moral support for these people. We can’t visit them when it is essential that they see that other amputees are getting on with their life. We have had a few calls for financial assistance and will continue to help new amputees with the cost of their prosthetic. Like most of the population we will have to wait to hear when things will return to normal. As always we are very thankful to Delta Bingo, Delta Bingo Sponsors Association and OLG for their continued support
October 2021,
The Niagara Amputee Association is very appreciative of the help we have received from Delta Bingo. Because of Delta’s assistance we have continued to help new amputees with the purchase of their artificial limb and also helped current amputees with the cost of everything that they need to wear the limb.
The NAA is planning to open our office very soon and to start holding our monthly meetings. We have continued to help those in need, but we are all anxious to get back to work. We are sincerely thankful to Delta Bingo, the Delta Bingo Sponsors Association and OLG for all the help they have given us
SEP 15, 2021
We have been very busy these last 18 months getting
everything updated for re-opening our office, but
because it is in the Brock Centre building, we have
wait until they open the facility. We are still assisting
new amputees to pay for their artificial limb. Now that
the Bingo Hall is open again, we hope to resume our
volunteering at the games. We are hoping to recruit
more volunteers. If anyone is interested in
helping/volunteering please contact Elsie at
erobins1@cogeco.ca. We are being very cautious
about the Covid guidelines set up for our safety. We
again thank Delta Bingo, the Ontario Charity Gaming
Association & O.L.G. for the financial assistance they
provide to help our members.
AUG 11, 2021
Let us deal with the elephant in the room first. There is a feeling of hope in the air because things are starting to open up. But, don’t be too eager to resume everything you we doing before the lockdown. There are still restrictions in place.
The NAA is still working from home and we don’t
expect to see that change any time soon. Never the less, we are
continuing to help amputees with their needs.
We have helped financially, in the last several months, people who have just lost a limb or a few who need repairs on their limbs or need the supplies necessary to wear the limb.
What the NAA does is an ongoing thing and we will continue to do
We sincerely appreciate the help of Delta Bingo for taking care of
those in need.
JULY 13 2021
A lot of people are not aware of the struggles of amputees, but
almost everyone in Canada knows who Terry Fox was.
Amputation is the reason why the N.A.A. works so hard to help
amputees. We have many members who struggle daily to just
walk. We also have members who have achieved goals that
many of us with all our limbs could never do. That is why we are
so grateful to Delta Bingo. The funds we receive from Delta
Bingo go directly to help an amputee pay for their artificial limb.
The cost of the new limb can go as high or higher than a new car.
Thank you Delta Bingo for all your help.
JUNE 2021
We have heard that the hospitals will soon begin to
address the backlog of surgeries that were put on
hold because of Covid 19 , Never the less the NAA has
been carrying on with assisting amputees in need and will
continue to do so. Thank you again DELTA BINGO for
making it possible for us to continue our work!
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MAY 2021
A lot of people are not aware of the struggles of amputees, but almost everyone in Canada knows who Terry Fox was. Amputation is the reason why the N.A.A. works so hard to help amputees. We have many members who struggle daily to just walk. We also have members who have achieved goals that many of us with all our limbs could never do. That is why we are so grateful to Delta Bingo. The funds we receive from Delta Bingo go directly to help an amputee pay for their artificial limb. The cost of the new limb can go as high or higher than a new car. Thank you Delta Bingo for all your help.
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April 2021
We had hoped for better news but it seems we are entering another lockdown. There haven’t been many requests for assistance lately because there have been cutbacks on surgeries again. But, as soon as we get the all clear again we will be ready to assist everyone who needs help. Again, we say thanks to Delta Bingo for their assistance in helping us help those in need.
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March 2021.
Again we thank the Delta Bingo Sponsors Association, for helping us provide assistance to our current and new members with the cost of their artificial limbs, and all the related supplies that are necessary for them to wear the limb. During the current health situation, we are more committed than ever to help all amputees. The bingo funds also help with the printing and postage of our newsletter and we have just mailed our current Spring & Summer 2021 issue. We are looking forward to the time when we can start holding our General Meetings and seeing everyone again. We are sincerely thankful to Delta Bingo and the Delta Bingo Sponsors Association for their help.
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Delta Bingo Sponsors Association page for February 2021.
Even though Covid has slowed everything down, we are still actively involved in helping amputees get their prostheses and related supplies. With the current health information we are now getting, hopefully we can soon start getting back to normal. In the meantime we will continue to help all amputees with their needs.
Jan 2021
The Niagara Amputee Association has been working for years with the Delta Bingo Sponsors Associations to help new amputees pay for their new prosthetic limbs and related supplies. We are committed to working tirelessly to make sure that all new amputees have a chance to get back on their feet and start contributing to the wellbeing of their community again. We visit new amputees in hospital or in their home to encourage them to get up and get moving again. This month we have helped two new patients get their artificial limb and are working with two others who are going to need help in the next few weeks.
Dec 2020
The mandate of the Niagara Amputee Association is to help members ofour association pay for their prosthesis and other accessibility devices. We are thankful for Delta Bingo and the OLG, who help us raise funds for this assistance. Generally our members are older and have pre & co-existing health conditions, which would put them at a higher risk for Covid. During the spring and summer of 2020 when hospitals were under siege with high numbers of hospitalizations, regular surgeries were put on hold so we had fewer requests than usual but, we did help with amounts totalling over $2,500. Prostheses have to be paid in full before the patient can take it home so it is imperative that we keep a cohesive board.
Oct 2020
We all hope everyone is keeping well and following the rules set down by LHIN the (local health integration network) for Covid 19. There are a lot of restrictions and we can only hope that all of our members are in compliance for their own good. The words “social distancing” and “wear your mask” will be with us for a long time.
At the present time, the NAA has not heard when we can start our regular meetings. We must be patient and wait until the government bodies that govern this Pandemic make the decision to re-open everything. Every day we hear that certain businesses are cautiously opening up. We will keep you informed as to when we can resume meetings and what rules will be in place to make sure everyone is safe.
Carole Course, BoardSecretary. ( Oct 2020 )
MARCH 2020 - We have cancelled all general meetings for the forseable future due to Covid 19..
These meetings are on the. 3rd Thursday of the month
According to the WHO and the Canadian Public Health agency, this virus is easily transmitted and can be transferred from people who are infected but show no symptoms. Since many of our members have co-morbid conditions such as diabetes and respiratory conditions which makes them more vulnerable to this virus and by doing this, we are hoping to keep our members safer.
The recommendations from Public Health are simple and they include staying about 6 feet (2 meters) away from others , to avoid groups and washing your hands frequently as the virus also stays on surfaces for at least 24 hours. Since this is a new virus and so much is unknown about it, we will be monitoring what is happening with the virus on a month to month basis and we will update you on a monthly basis , re-meetings.
Carole Course, BoardSecretary.
Heading 1

We have a used Scooter to give away
Phones (905) 581-5863
Or USE (905) 688-5550 ext. 1-5572
To promote the quality care, dignity, independence and reintegration of amputees within their community. To distribute information to the general public, amputees and their families in order to educate them to: the needs of amputees, their families, friends and associates; the availability of medical, social, emotional, financial and legal resources which would meet their special needs; to accept donations, gifts, legacies and bequests; to cooperate with other organizations whether incorporated or not which have objects similar to those of the Niagara Amputee Association. As a non-profit organization, we operate solely based on our volunteer core. Our mission is to provide support and education to amputees within the Niagara Region. We offer hospital visitations, peer counseling and education, to individuals who have had an amputation and to their families.